March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary Snutt & Jace Talk: Unlocking the secret door

March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary

Snutt & Jace Talk: Unlocking the secret door

Clips from the commentary for the Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes ( were taken from Jace's personal Twitch stream:

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-8qNioXEgpcY">[ YouTube - March 17th, 2021 Satisfactory Update 4 Patch Notes vid commentary - Snutt & Jace Talk: Unlocking the secret door]</ref>



yes let's let's jump back to where we get there there it is there it is all right jace this is it behind the store is the final secret of update 4. let's open it this is another part where I was like did snuff up here or like guys this is what I want to do really groaned me very quickly oh it's so funny we when we filmed it it's one take and jace just up like so many times it's it's a long key and it's like you have to hit it like in certain it's very small look how look at the key it's weird okay it's actually really weird