March 14th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: How did you folks come up with the idea of Satisfactory, is it inspired by Factorio?

March 14th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: How did you folks come up with the idea of Satisfactory, is it inspired by Factorio?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: September 29th, 2023 Video Q&A: What inspired you to make this game?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Ep2uHEAC-DQ">[ YouTube - March 14th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: How did you folks come up with the idea of Satisfactory, is it inspired by Factorio?]</ref>



actually I'll talk about this because this is we talked about this how did you folks come up with the idea for satisfactory was it due to set a factorio or did you already have the idea before that satisfactory is definitely inspired by factorio, there's there's no getting around that like I know that people defend us to this like oh satisfactory is a very different getting factorio which is the point like satisfaction isn't supposed to be factorial it's supposed to be you know a factory building game but we are definitely inspired by factorial but Factor it was a huge, source of inspiration for our game but when we look at it we always think about like okay this is what Factoria did like what is it that factor we're doing well that we can do in a different way or what doesn't work in a 3D game versus what works in a 2d game, and you know that kind of I think in my humble opinion sets us apart you know a little bit for a factorial because I don't think I don't think satisfactory at least not in my opinion but I guess I'm biased because I am working in the game but IMO satisfaction isn't you know a blatant like factorial ripoff there's definitely the same elements of it but you know that can be said about many Factory games but I will not like you know we are standing on the shoulders of giants here because the factorio team did an amazing job and they are you know they set the stage for a lot of of of ideas to come for our game so huge tutors to those guys and it's a great game so yes