November 2nd, 2021 Livestream State of Dev: Update 5 (Part 1)

November 2nd, 2021 Livestream

State of Dev: Update 5 (Part 1)

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hey everybody welcome to our weekly dev stream we made it we made it we're here how's everyone doing I hope you're all doing it you know what it was last week that experimental dropped on sorry update 5 dropped on experimental rather, but it feels like it was like three or four weeks ago man so much [ __ ] has been happening like so busy with work we put like four videos out last week and then there were like patches like people doing all these patches and stuff at the office as well a lot of things happened in this past week it feels like more happened in the past week than like like the past year yeah it's been it's been kind of crazy so it's so weird for me to to think that it was you know update five has only been out for a week which blows my mind yeah yeah yeah cause like we we've almost put out a patch every single day I think as well yeah I think I don't I don't know if we did one yesterday did we do one yesterday I don't know I wasn't here yesterday yeah, but that's the I mean we are patching things up as soon as we can, so yeah they've been a lot of fixers taking care of a lot of things and there's still like a bunch of stuff that's like kind of like rocky with, with the, you know update five it is on experimental shit's on fire yeah it is for some people, yeah and, yeah but we're doing a lot of stuff to fix it up and, yeah so we're putting patches out like almost every day so it's good yep I mean that's kind of the point of it being experimental that we take this time to sort of catch it all and you know if you were if you're ever wondering like why don't you you know why don't you guys just put it out on early access first or something like that this is exactly why this is exactly right like and and just for reference like like there are some bugs and stuff with update five sure but like you know this time around we did you know internal play testing like we always do we also even had external play testers this time like a company and then we also have the usual staging people that help us with qa and it's like all of that this we had more qa than usual this time around and and yet it is like as buggy maybe a little bit more buggy than than previous updates, and this is this is exactly why we put it on experimental because the the information that we get from you guys as a community is like there's no amount of like a qa that can rival that like literally no possible there's we could put a team on for a year and we just wouldn't get as much as you guys would get in a week so yeah that is the way the cookie crumbles and it's also like you know we are very clear that it's an experimental branch and you know [ __ ] be funky you get like pop that pop-up when you start the game too that like warns you like hey by the way experimental yeah, but really I appreciate everyone who is trying it out and like sending us feedback and letting us know in the game crash and stuff like that, so thank you so much for being understanding and like you know it's not the perfect state of the game isn't in a perfect state obviously but, that's sort of the point of putting it out on experimental because, we get so much faster feedback and like it's it's, like yeah like you just mentioned like it it beats having any type of like quality product qa company reporting things yeah like it will never be like a week of people like you know thousands of people trying it out yeah yeah yeah and, so a couple people saying like it's not even that buggy, or, it's mostly fine guys yeah no we're actually quite happy with it don't get me wrong here like we did kind of just start the stream off saying like oh we know it's on fire a little bit but it's actually like we're actually quite happy with the launch and the bugs that we're getting you know we expected some of them but we're we're we're really pleased with the state of it it does work for the most part for most people, but there are still some issues and we do need to you know it is, it is our, duty to, fix that stuff up, if we can, and you know we are and the other thing is like another we sort of also did anticipate more bugs than usual with this as well because with update 5 we touched many different things like we have a whole build systems you know we we messed around with, like trains and vehicles, things like that you know so it's like a lot of different things have been touched, so we sort of did expect there to be a lot of like random things that that will that will come up, and yeah, but but no one in the office is super stressed about it we're just it is kind of like what we sort of expected within the realms of like what we expected and, and we're fixing fixing things up as quickly as we can yeah because we did redo a couple of systems like a lot of stuff in update 5 is you know reworks of systems that we need to put in place so that we can work on things that we want to do for for the next couple of updates and it's, like you just mentioned like the build system is I wouldn't say it's like ground up rewritten but it's it's a huge part of the the build system has been remade, a lot of like online multiplayer aspects, as well so it's a it's like scary to put stuff out like that because you know things from like your guy's point of view and from our point of view like stuff that worked in a specific way before suddenly doesn't work like at all maybe or works in a different way or something like that, and for you guys it's weird because like hey but this worked before why would you touch this like and it's really because we need to set up for the next step so to speak yeah, so like the, the snapping system for instance is one thing that I've seen people ask about like hey it worked before why doesn't it work now it's because that has been rewritten, so we can do more with it and we are doing more with it this like a bunch of like you can snap now to, with the conveyor belts and stuff like that that you've seen and the middle pillars and stuff like that so, so yeah exciting indeed indeed