February 9th, 2024 Video Q&A: Will the Closed Beta be under an NDA?

February 9th, 2024 Video

Q&A: Will the Closed Beta be under an NDA?


This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as February 2024.
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-TSyQr113OkU,137.78639763437118,194.3355366150635">[https://youtube.com/embed/TSyQr113OkU?autoplay=1&start=137&end=195 YouTube - February 9th, 2024 Video - Q&A: Will the Closed Beta be under an NDA?]</ref>



let you all know will the closed beta be under an NDA yes to participate in the closed beta you will need to agree to a non-disclosure agreement meaning that you can't share any information pertaining to the closed beta or the state of the game in beta essentially we also ask people that are selected for the close beta to not, relay this information, for a couple of reasons in the past when we had our Clos Alpha we had people sort of bragging that they were part of the Clos Alpha and that sort of led to them getting message by a bunch of random people trying to pressure them and harass them into leaking information so we kind of want to avoid that, it can also lead to if people are open about being in part of the closed beta it can also lead to them becoming targets for fishing attempts and stuff like that and we just want to avoid that as much as possible so we're just going to ask people not to disclose that they're part of the close B that if they get selected and this obviously also means that you can't stream or make videos or anything like that for the Clos beta It's all under wraps why is it