March 18th, 2022 Video Snutt & Jace Talk: Object Scanner article

March 18th, 2022 Video

Snutt & Jace Talk: Object Scanner article

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next up we were looking at the object scan scanners notes and we we spotted something in the object scanner yes what was it it was something to do about gemstones oh yeah so the trivia down the bottom yeah so this is a little bit of a trivia thing here that this used to be called the gemstone gemstone scanner internally, which is true we used to call it a gemstone scanner slugs used to be gemstones so we changed, for the longest times slugs were just like gems that you find in the world and then you turn that into power shards and then like pretty close to release we just decided like ah let's do something more fun with the gemstones and turn them into slugs or something maybe and they're slow-moving slugs or something so it is it is working the same way it's the same functionality it's just like we just renamed it essentially okay all right so next up we actually have there's