November 2nd, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Console release?

November 2nd, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Console release?

This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Will 1.0 finally have full Controller Support?

This question has a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-XphmFYhaeHc">[ YouTube - November 2nd, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Console release?]</ref>



somebody asked about console release actually I haven't seen much of this question lately but oh yeah here we go we're here we're back console release, we don't have anything planned for that right now because we want to finish the game before we look into that stuff it's it's not impossible but don't know right now they're just bigger fish to fry right now like yes fixing the bugs that we have improving optimization and then like rounding out the game's design you know there are some features like we don't want to just add features just because we can like the things that we add we feel are things that are missing from the game for the game to be a complete game you know they're missing specific things and so that's what we we want to solve all those design issues which will result in like art issues and programming issues right so that's the kind of stuff that we're focusing on right now yeah we'd rather put those resources into making the game better than putting it out on more platforms making it complete you know like when we go to early access feel that it's our responsibility that when people buy the game from us that we finish the game so that is you know that's kind of our priority