May 30th, 2023 Video Q&A: What is with Dedicated Servers?

May 30th, 2023 Video

Q&A: What is with Dedicated Servers?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: April 23rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How is the State of Dedicated Servers?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-ZdjQT4YcrYg">[ YouTube - May 30th, 2023 Video - Q&A: What is with Dedicated Servers?]</ref>



what is with dedicated servers is this like a comedy bit hey guys what what is it with dedicated servers am I right no matter what what's the deal with dedication I don't know what the question, is regarding this specifically, status dedicated servers hasn't really gotten super like a lot of love I think over the the years we could say, but that has not been the feedback that you guys have given and that idea has not been lost on the team at all and there is an intention to, to do some work on them for sure going forward, but there hasn't really been I think there hasn't been anything super dedicated done to them for update eight there might be some fixes or intro introduction of other bugs, given the new engine update, but there's not really been any sort of deliberate I think there's not been any deliberate work on them, and if there has it would have been like some bugs fixed but I'm not really sure, but the the intention is to do more like there's a there are plans and ideas for what what wants to happen and just time assigned to them just to stabilize them and fix them up but one thing just to keep in mind you know they are still considered experimental, and it's that way for a reason because, yeah we're just focusing on pushing the game forward and unfortunately something has to give a little bit and it seems like dedicated service has a little bit in the past so but the team is aware it isn't it yeah and then cdmr fighting like the people that work on dedicated servers really are really into improving it it's just a fortune unfortunate thing of like we weren't really able to support dedicated servers originally like up until this point either so that's why they're sorting this experimental state where we release them sort of as is for now because there's so many people that want a dedicated servers and like we can sort of sort of give you dedicated stuff at this point but you know they won't be perfect and they won't be in the same state of the rest of the game and we really need to finish the rest of the game so we can work on dedicated servers and it's just so much time goes into working on the rest of the game so it's it is what it is, but, there is a lot of hunger on the dev team to improve dedicated service for sure, yes