May 7th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Are there any major bugs that are not expected to be fixed in 1.0?

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Are there any major bugs that are not expected to be fixed in 1.0?

This question has 3 related videos
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are there any major bugs that are not expected to be fixed in 1.0, you me the players there are, I just can't think of any right now, the shadow issue with like the head missing that's not going to be fixed for 1.0, what we're going to do is we're going to remove the player Shadow again, we used to have that before we had that shadow we just didn't have a shadow of the player, because in order for us to render our proper Shadow for the player we would need to, sort of, animate the Box collider for the shadow like I can't remember what it's called the the way it works is like it renders like a capsule and then it renders on the shadow plane from the capsule, but the thing is like the animation for the characters is quite expensive, so when we looked at it it was like we'd rather just not have a shadow than have a broken Shadow and we' rather not implement the the basic Shadow implementation of our characters, that would need to be in place for it to look proper because right now we're using the first person like the stuff that you see the arms and the body that's what's actually reflecting a shadow right now in the game and that's not supposed to reflect the shadow so we decided to just cut the shadow so that's one bug maybe but I know there are several others, we were planning to make a video on like bugs that, will be fixed versus won't be fixed 1.0 but it's so hard to like nail down what will actually get fixed and what won't because a lot of stuff that we have on the list of bugs we're going to fix like it's going to be like we're going to attempt to fix a lot of stuff but depending on how long it takes to fix certain bugs we you know decide how many of these things we will fix so it's really difficult for us to say that like oh we're going to fix this but we probably won't be able to fix that because we actually don't know at this point whether we're we're going to be able to commit to to not fixing certain bugs that we want to fix


, so the only the only ones I know for sure are the ones that really are like no this requires like a whole new system and that's not going to happen, but I can't think of too many too many doesn't come to like we're going to attempt to fix most of these issues that that that people are complaining about, so yes